An introduction to the ‘the story’ of Our Lady of Fatima, either by film or reading a story, as she appeared to the three Shepherd Children – is the most important starting point.
View the ‘flip book’ to the right by clicking the image. You will find a letter to send home to parents, to let them know the direction you are taking and hoping that they will participate and encourage the children.
The flip book includes multiple links to the story and ways to display it to your students and or children. The story will help to create a ‘spark’ in their hearts to follow the way of the Little Shepherds of Fatima, to help Our Lady of Fatima through prayer and sacrifice to spiritually change their own lives, their families and world.
NOTE: Now that the children have seen one of the films of Our Lady of Fatima, and are familiar with ‘the Story’, they are ready to hear the ‘Missionary Call’.
Present to the children the 5 short audio tracks – listen to the preview tracks below – this step includes a downloadable read along with simple discussion questions.
Presenting these audio tracks, listening to them with the children, with follow up discussion will certainly prepare them to sign their Promise Card with an understanding of what they are being asked to do.
Audio tracks coming soon!
NOTE: Teachers and Parents, on the ‘Promise Card’ has been signed, please hang them in a place of honor as a daily reminder of their PROMISE to Our Lady.
Pope Saint John Paul II told the children of the world that Our Lady needed their help. He encouraged them to follow the way of the Little Shepherds of Fatima, to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Please make every effort to be assured that the children have an understanding of the meaning of the Promise Card.
It is a first step but an important initial step before putting presenting and putting into practice the 5 Easy Steps that develops them into becoming a Missionary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in their parishes, schools and families.
The final apparition at Fatima included a vision of the Holy Family. It was a ‘CALL’ to children and all the families of the world, to follow the spiritual life as Our Lady taught the Little Shepherds. The way is for all to become missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the ‘New Evangelization‘ in their homes, schools and parishes.
It is a ‘Call’ to the entire family!
*No child is bound under the pain of sin or guilt for not fulfilling any promise made.

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