The Angel of Peace


“Sometimes our Lord himself intervenes to convey to us, by means of private revelations, parts of the universal Message of Salvation which are in danger of being forgotten, and therefore need to be repeated. Such was the case, for example, of the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. At other times, our Lord allows His Blessed Mother to come on His behalf. Rarer still, if not unique in the history of the Church, is the case of our Lady having sent an angel ahead of her to pave the way for her own coming. She thus provided for the events in Fatima a kind of prelude which at once plunged the children into a supernaturally charged atmosphere in which they learnt the coordinates of what was to constitute the essence of her Message: God is offended; we must do penance and change our lives.”

– Fr. Luis Kondor, S.V.D., Vice Postulator of Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta

The apparitions of the Angel of Peace preceded the apparitions of our Blessed Mother at Fatima, Portugal. She sent him as a “Teacher of Love” to teach the Little Shepherds how to adore Jesus, how to pray while adoring Him, and the value of reparation and sacrifice, “…thus convened the first ‘Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour.”

Let us follow the inspirations from the Angel of Peace, gather our children into the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus and allow them to rest in His Presence.

Parishes and schools throughout the world participate in this global Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour.


First Apparition
Second Apparition
Third Apparition